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7 Invisible Obstacles to Digital Marketing Success
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10 TED Talks that will inspire every Data Professional [Video]

Video Analysis for Marketing Insights

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.

There is a popular phrase in pop culture,

Water, water, every where,Nor any drop to drink.

from the English poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

There is also a modern version to this phrase quoted by John Allen Paulos,

Data, data, everywhere, But not a thought to think.

Can this data be used to solve world humanitarian problems? Can we save lives using data? How innovative are we with data? This article draws inspiration from 7 TED Talks that answer some of these questions.

TEDis a non-profit organization that organizes conferences under the slogan “Ideas worth spreading”. In 1984 when TED began as a conference, the word stood for Technology, Entertainment, and Design but today there are TED talks around almost any area. The talks in this article will inspire you, captivate you, make you think, exhilarate you, or may even serve …

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