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Screw Open Rates: Jimmy Kim’s SECRET to Getting More Clicks [Video]

Customer Segmentation with AI

Screw Open Rates: Jimmy Kim’s SECRET to Getting More Clicks

In this episode of Chew on This, Ron and Ash are joined again by the GOAT himself, Jimmy Kim of Sendlane, to discuss the changes in email privacy, deliverability, and SMS marketing in recent months. Jimmy explains why traditional metrics like open rates are no longer reliable due to the presence of bots and emphasizes the importance of deeper data analysis, segmentation, and focusing on customer intent. He also shares tactics for optimizing click-through rates, retargeting, and building unique customer funnels.

πŸ“§ Open rates are dead. The presence of bots and other factors have made open rates unreliable, making it crucial to analyze click-through data to understand customer intent.
πŸ“ˆ Click-through data is gold. Focus on the reasons behind clicks and use this data to create targeted follow-up messages and personalized funnels.
⏳ Don’t wait to retarget. Instead of relying on browse abandonments, send targeted messages based on click-through data within hours to capitalize on immediate interest.
🎯 Segment, segment, segment. Treat your audience as individual segments with unique needs and interests, rather than sending broad, generic emails.
πŸ“¨ Send more emails. Increase email frequency to drive engagement and encourage purchases, especially for prospects who haven’t yet made a purchase.

0:00 – Intro.
​2:18 – Changes in email marketing strategies due to Microsoft’s involvement.
​4:33 – GPMT for domain reputation ranking.
​5:13 – Impact of unsubscribe buttons on email deliverability.
​9:08 – Audience segmentation for email marketing success.
​10:17 – Tracking email opens using invisible images.
​13:47 – Utilizing data to identify potential customers ready for a second purchase.
​18:11 – Treating different customer segments differently in email marketing.
​20:52 – Shifting focus from open rates to engagement and context in email marketing.
​23:19 – Recording and analyzing data for effective email marketing strategies.
​25:51 – Sending newest updates to engage customers for retention.
​27:10 – Understanding customer behavior for effective strategies.
​28:02 – Analyzing customer behavior for insights.
​29:02 – Treating different customer segments uniquely based on their interactions.
​31:08 – Email marketing remains crucial despite the rise of SMS
​33:15 – SMS vs email for acquisition.
​35:01 – SMS challenges due to saturation.
​37:11 – Providing value through email to build brand loyalty and engagement.
​41:01 – Email marketing for acquisition and retention.
​45:00 – Diversifying marketing channels to reach customers effectively.
48:56 – Final chew.

Sponsored by:
πŸ“¨ Sendlane – Tired of paying for hosting unnecessary contacts on your email list? Thats why we switched to Sendlane where we are only charged for the number of contacts we send to. You will unlock huge savings by signing up with them.
πŸ”— https://sendlane.com/chewonthis

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Ron Shah – https://twitter.com/obviceo
Ash Melwani – https://twitter.com/ashvinmelwani
Chew On This – https://twitter.com/chewonthisdtc

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