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Highland English teacher talks pros and cons of AI in the classroom [Video]

AI Behavioral Targeting

RIVERSIDE, Iowa (KCRG) – The start of school is just days away for many districts and artificial intelligence in education is a big topic. Both teachers and students are taking advantage of the tools AI has to offer. But one teacher says she’s teaching her students to use AI as just that: a tool.

Denise Roth is a middle and high school English teacher at the Highland Community School District.

As she worked on her Doctorate program through Drake University, she took a learning analytics class and it sparked an interest in artificial intelligence and what it could do in the classroom.

Now she’s teaching her students to use AI not as something to rely on…

“Nothing can replace your brain. You know, AI can help your brain, but nothing can replace what is inherently their curious nature and how to explore the world,” said Roth.

But as a tool …

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