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Mental Health Tips & Resources for Small Business [Video]

Video Analysis for Marketing Insights

Almost half the population has experienced a mental illness at some time in their life. As the largest employment sector in Australia, it’s crucial for small businesses to prioritise mental health. Creating a mentally healthy workplace can prevent issues and support overall wellbeing. With R U OK?Day approaching, it’s a timely reminder to check in with ourselves and those around us.

Understanding Mental Health Misconceptions

Despite considered efforts across the mental health sector and communities, stigma and misconceptions persist. This can prevent a person from getting the help they need. It’s helpful to take a moment to learn about common mental health myths.

Tips for Creating a Mentally Healthy Workplace

A mentally healthy workplace benefits you, your staff, and your business. Just because you may not have the same tools or resources as a larger business doesn’t mean you can’t create a supportive work environment. Keeping in mind that every small business is unique, here are …

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