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What happens if New Yorkers don’t break down their cardboard boxes? [Video]

AI Behavioral Targeting

NEW YORK CITYHave you ever stopped to think about how many cardboard boxes come into and out of your home every week? Well, the NYC Department of Sanitation knows the answer – it’s a lot.

New Yorkers have been steadily increasing the number of cardboard boxes they toss out in the trash.

“So, we’re certainly seeing, by some accounts, up to almost 100 lbs of cardboard per household per year set out at the curb now,” said Joshua Goodman, deputy commissioner of Public Affairs and Customer Experience with the New York City Department of Sanitation.

What some New Yorkers don’t seem to know is that you have to break the boxes down and tie them up before putting them out in the trash.

An apartment building can get a summons from the city if the cardboard boxes aren’t broken down.

“The amount of cardboard that the average New Yorker is bringing into their home and then consequently putting …

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