In May of this year, Microsoft introduced Recall for Windows 11: an AI-powered feature that takes regular screenshots of your system, analyzes each one, and makes it easy for you to search through your entire history of activity to find stuff.
While there’s certainly practical merit to the idea, Recall was met with lots of backlash as some people highlighted the privacy ramifications and others speculated on the massive amount of data it would take.
Even though Recall could technically be disabled, the backlash only grew louder and heavier — until Microsoft finally decided to delay the official launch of Recall and send it back into testing. (As of right now, Recall is only available to Windows Insiders.)
Now here’s the bit that nobody expected: Microsoft is going to let users completely uninstall Recall, not just disable it.
Starting with the optional KB5041865 preview build, it seems that Recall is going to be treated as a separate …