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Local mom overhauls healthcare system to help families of special needs [Video]

AI Behavioral Targeting

Christina Berdine is a special needs mom to her 23 year old son, Hayden. He is active in the community and quite enthusiastic, but his needs require around the clock care. Berdine’s husband often travels for work and Hayden requires a rigid daily routine. There is no stepping out of the box, “I can’t decide oh my gosh I’m out of sugar I’m going to run to the store at 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. is his life. You have to live life on their terms,” explains Berdine.

Berdine takes it all in stride but being the primary caregiver comes with a risk of burnout. According to the national institute of health nearly all research studies have identified parents of children with disabilities to have an increased risk for depression (95%) and anxiety (90%). The divorce rate is over 85% for parents of children with a disability.

“Kim and the KENNA …

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