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Revel just added Juice’s ‘face ID for EVs’ to its DC fast chargers [Video]

AI Behavioral Targeting
Photo: Revel

Revel has added Juice’s groundbreaking AI and computer vision-powered automatic charging and payments system to its DC fast charging stations in New York City.

Computer vision uses AI and machine learning to process visual data to identify objects and then react to what it sees.

Sunnyvale, California-based Juice uses computer vision to identify a user’s unique EV, initiate charging sessions, and complete payments without needing to interact with physical payment devices or apps. Unlike Plug & Charge or Autocharge, Juice’s technology doesn’t require OEM integrations to work with different types of EVs.

Brooklyn-based Revel asserts that this is the first deployment of this kind of computer vision technology in the US. 

The new Juice technology is now available on all Revel DC fast chargers and is compatible with all makes and models of EVs. Revel says it will integrate Juice’s computer vision technology at future sites opening later this year.

Revel has 54 …

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