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Creating a Customer Journey Map [Video]

AI Customer Journey Mapping

Creating a Customer Journey Map

“Understanding users’ behavior and feelings is crucial when building a user-centered product. Learn how to create a Customer Journey Map in 6 simple steps.

Map structure varies significantly on a case by case, industry by industry and purpose-focused basis. But today we are going to discuss a simplified 5-step mapping process, fit for any business, ready to be built upon and added to.

Choose which customer persona you want to focus on. Different customers will interact with your business in different ways – e.g your younger target market are more likely to come across you via a Tik Tok post than your older audience. This also helps you discover insights and ask questions that are focused and actionable.

Start by identifying how this persona commonly becomes aware of your business. Is it through social media ads, Youtube videos, via your storefront? Below, list out how the customer is feeling and what they’re thinking at that moment in time. When they see your ads, are they confused due to a lack of contextual knowledge? Or are they seemingly excited and energised and quick to take next steps (which is of course, a sign that what you’re doing is working!) Think carefully here and make sure to identify all sources.

The consideration stage comes next. What does your business do to turn this person from an acquaintance to a friend? From someone who lurks on the outskirts to a liker, sharer and commenter who has already added items to your websites wishlist? Maybe you offer them free eBooks that perk their interest, create value and build your reputation. Maybe you prove your business is the solution to their problems through blog articles? Be specific here. How do you wrangle in a sale, and are you doing enough here to get that conversion?

Next, write down what happens when they make a purchase from you, and how they feel. Do they get excited but are soon frustrated by your long delivery times? Are they impressed by your online shop but disappointed that you can only pay via Paypal? Do they receive an order confirmation email and a discount on their next order, leaving them feeling valued and content?

Next, analyse how you retain them as a customer and encourage repeat business. Do you send follow-up emails if they haven’t cashed in their discount code, or check in on their experience with their first sale? Do you ask for their feedback on your product or their experience overall? Do you target social media ads at your current followers, in an attempt to encourage repeat purchases?

Lastly, ask yourself how you turn them from a customer into a loyal, raving fan who yells your name and Instagram handle from the rooftops. How fast do you respond to their complaints and resolve any issues they may have, and is this fast enough for them to remain an advocate? If you focus in on this advocacy part of the customer journey, those loud, proud fans will in turn create more awareness, which then repeats the cycle.

Customer Experience
Journey Map

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