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Machine Learning Episode 01 – Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning [Video]

Predictive Maintenance for Marketing Tools

Machine Learning Episode 01 – Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning

In this video we discuss about supervised machine learning. The highlights of this episode are,

1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and deep learning
2. Categories of machine learning (Supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning)
3. Introduction to supervised machine learning
4. Features and labels
5. Classification and regression problems
6. Types of machine learning algorithms
7. Hello World to machine learning (Iris flower example)
8. Training a Knearest neighbor model using iris flower dataset
9. Classification problems evaluation metrics
10. Inference process of a machine learning model
11. Classification metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, f1 score)

The codes used in this video can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PkGCVfZxem502gIMqs1kQfZnNfVEkYe2

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