Scarlett Hicks is described as a happy, cheerful and playful three-year-old girl. But every day she fights for her life.
She battles generalized epilepsy, autism, global development delays, and a rare genetic mutation called BRAT1
It’s a mutation her mother, Jas Hicks, discovered was terminal by doing research online instead of hearing it from doctors when Scarlett was diagnosed.
“I fought for answers,” Hicks said. “I looked around and I called them back because they weren’t responding.
“We planned our daughters funeral because we weren’t getting answers.”
Most people with the BRAT1 gene have died in infancy according to a case report form the national library of medicine.
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Scarlett has previously had upwards of 90 seizures a day, but medication has helped some over the last little bit.
It’s a situation that has left her family of five with nothing but tears and hope.
“There were many nights where she …