TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Lately, second-year electrical apprentice Mikel Moore is putting the hands-on skills she’s learned in the classroom to productive use in the workshop. “Basic hand tools, you move on to mechanical benders and you move on to motor controls,” she said.
Out in the field, she said, Moore’s already getting paid and working with journeymen experts who’ve shared their knowledge and experience with her. “I really like working with my hands, but I also like using my brain,” Moore said. “We get to learn kind of the backstory as to what we’re doing in the field.”
Moore joined a program to train with International Brotherhood of Electric Workers (IBEW) Local 570 chapter, and has also joined the Tucson Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee.This particular program Moore signed up for received funding from the BuildItAZ initiative, to cover the unit’s conduit and fire labs.
When Arizona Gov. …