, updated
The knives have come out — and so has the truth.
Having been lied to for years by the Democratic Party machine and most of the legacy media — who insisted Joe Biden was not diminished by his age but energized by it — well, it turns out we skeptics were right all along.
And what we’re learning is terrifying. Infuriating. An unacceptable abuse of power, a usurpation of the presidency itself by a nameless, faceless cohort.
Will we ever know who these conspirators are?
Two bombshell reports out this week, in the New York Timesand the Wall Street Journal, depict a president thoroughly out to lunch for his entire term: Top cabinet members unable reach him. Staff regularly taking his place at official events. Biden refusing to hold morning meetings but clocking out at 4pm — even though he naps every day and, in July, announced that he’d …