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AI Model GenCast Redefines Weather Forecasting Standards [Video]

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Latest AI weather model outperforms the top weather model in the world.

NEW ORLEANS — As the year comes to an end, one of the biggest things we’ve been talking about is artificial intelligence (AI) and how it’s changing our lives right in front of our eyes. AI is clearly what’s next in our changing digital world, but something that’s always been on the cutting edge of technology is weather forecasting and computer weather models. How AI and weather forecasting come together going forward will be key in keeping people safe from natural disasters in the future.

“An extra 12 or 24 hours warning that a cyclone is going to hit can matter hugely,” said Dr. Ilan Price, senior research scientist at Google DeepMind. His team is at the forefront of using AI to revolutionize weather forecasting. 

Price’s team developed GenCast, a high-resolution AI weather model that debuted in 2024. It’s faster and more accurate …

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