Apple last year introduced Apple Intelligence, its own set of AI tools. Since they are all processed on-device, Apple Intelligence requires the latest hardware such as the iPhone 15 Pro and later. Even so, according to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, the requirements of Apple Intelligence haven’t helped Apple boost iPhone sales.
In a note on his blog, Kuo said that Apple’s efforts to promote Apple Intelligence haven’t resulted in an increase in iPhone sales. According to his sources in the supply chain, most iPhone owners don’t seem interested in buying a new model just because of the AI features. A SellCell survey last month revealed that most users see little to no value in Apple Intelligence so far.
The analyst notes that Apple was unable to sustain the “initial buzz” after announcing Apple Intelligence at WWDC 2024, as its competitors “have advanced rapidly in subsequent months.” Kuo believes that other AI platforms such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT benefit from being …