How to Reach your Market in a World Ruled by Generative AI
How to Reach your Market in a World Ruled by Generative AI
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Yes, you should use AI coding assistantsbut not like that [Video]

AI Content Generation and Curation

Use of AI has increased both the amount of code delivered and the amount of code that needs reworking. Don’t use more AI than you can handle.

Credit: Ollyy/Shutterstock

If you’re exhausted by the constantly changing AI landscape, you’re not alone. In a thoughtful post, Microsoft Research brainiac Victor Dibia captures the “particular kind of fatigue that comes from trying to match the unprecedented pace of AI advancement.” However, if you’re a developer, you no longer have the option to sit out generative AI’s impact on software development. Yes, your mileage may vary depending on whether you’re a more experienced developer or a less seasoned one, but we’ve reached a point where you simply must be using AI to assist you in your work.

But how? Applied AI engineer Sankalp Shubham detailsthe evolution of AI-driven coding assistants, with excellent advice on how to use them effectively. Shubham likens coding assistance to a car: Features like autocomplete give you maximum …

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