OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) – Jack Ward and Graceyn Marquart haven’t dated other people in a while, but if they were looking…
“I think somebody that you have the same communications skills with,” said Marquart.
“Don’t leave messes everywhere,” said Ward.
Those aren’t their top qualities for a partner. They’re expectations for a roommate.
“I think that’s the priority of having a roommate. The cost of living goes down.”
These twenty-somethings are dating and live in a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment. They say it’s not affordable on their marketing and sales salaries if they didn’t split rent.
That’s the case for many people, says Mike Hornacek with the housing nonprofit Together.
“A lot of people in Omaha that spend north of 60-70% of their income,” Hornacek.
Figuring out the characteristics of a good roommate and actually finding one is the goal of a Shared Housing Mixer being held Friday. Together is letting the Metro Housing Collaborativeuse its space to help people find a …