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After a rash of stolen cars, Hyundai and Kia’s new anti-theft software is showing results [Video]

More than a year after Hyundai and Kia released new anti-theft software updates, thefts of vehicles with the new software are falling — even as thefts overall remain astoundingly high, according to a new analysis of insurance claim data.The automakers released the updates starting last February, after a tenfold increase in thefts of certain Hyundai and Kia models in just the past three years — sparked by a series of social media posts that showed people how to steal the vehicles.”Whole vehicle” theft claims — insurance claims for the loss of the entire vehicle — are 64% lower among the Hyundai and Kia cars that have had the software upgrade, compared to cars of the same make, model and year without the upgrade, according to the Highway Loss Data Institute.”The companies’ solution is extremely effective,” Matt Moore, senior vice president of HLDI, an industry group backed by auto insurers, said …

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