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After starting new year without a contract, Portland ed techs call for higher wages [Video]

Dozens of education technicians filled the back of the room at Tuesday night’s meeting of the Portland Board of Education, protesting low wages after beginning the school year without a collective bargaining agreement.

As the board called Tuesday’s meeting to order, more than 40 techs and their supporters flowed into the room around 6 p.m. They held signs demanding “Higher pay for ed techs” and noting that “I work two jobs.”

The union and district have been in contract negotiations for months, but it’s not clear when a new contract might be finalized.

Jen Cooper, president of the union, offered the first public comments at Tuesday’s meeting. She said the group had gathered to demonstrate the scale of support for techs.

“Time and time again, I’ve stood here and been told that we’re valued members of the Portland Public School community,” Cooper said. “We’re just asking for a livable wage.”

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