AI Marketing

AI Has Already Broken Privacy. Whats Next? [Video]

As AI continues to evolve, its impact on privacy and security has become a concern for many. A recent survey revealed that 69% of Indians cannot distinguish between an AI agent and a real human voice, highlighting a critical vulnerability in digital interactions. 

Coincidentally, Pushkar Shanbhag, associate research director at IDC, noted the implications of this finding and said, “In India, 69% of the population can’t differentiate whether they are interacting with AI or a human online and this presents unique challenges for both privacy and security.”  

Further, Johanne Ulloa, the director of solutions consulting at LexisNexis Risk Solutions, warned of the dangers AI poses in phishing attacks. “Chatbots can still be misused to enhance the effectiveness of phishing emails,” he said. 

There are a few safeguards to prevent it from generating convincing phishing messages that deceive users into sharing sensitive information. The recent advancements in text-to-speech technology, like OpenAI’s GPT-40 …

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