AI Behavioral Targeting

AI investment opportunities beyond big tech [Video]


* Concerns about overvaluation in the so-called AI trade have some investors looking elsewhere for opportunity. Well, my next guest says there are other ways to play the AI long game if you know where to look. Justin Flowerday, Managing Director and Head of Public Equities at TD Asset Management, joins us. Justin, welcome back.

* Great to be here, Greg.

* All right, so, obviously, the AI play up to this point has largely been concentrated on those people making the chips that power all of this. It is a long-term growth story. Let’s start with productivity. I mean, if this is to be believed, then it is long term.

* 100%. And I think there is a story to be told where productivity gains will come back for the economy. The problem is, it won’t happen immediately. And we’ve seen this phenomenon play out over time where you get this delay between a revolutionary …

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