Holding AI to a Double Standard: The Moral Costs of Inaction
Holding AI to a Double Standard: The Moral Costs of Inaction
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Akiflow is the calendar and tasks app you never knew you needed [Video]

AI Marketing

This brilliantly simple app works with Google Calendar and Outlook to bring tasks and events together in a way that makes other tools look like clunky old relics.

BY JR Raphael

It’s 2024, for cryin’ out loud. We’ve got robots that vacuum for us and AI that—well, kinda-sorta does some other stuff almost adequately, some of the time.

Amid all that, how is it possible that effectively organizing your tasks still feels like an insurmountable task of its own?

As someone who borders on being unhealthily obsessed with organization, I’ve tried practically every app, system, and philosophy out there for keeping tabs on my endless ocean of obligations. And while some of those setups have been reasonably decent, I’ve never quite felt like I’m truly on top of everything—like the tools I’m using are helping me stay ahead of my agenda both near- and long-term, without a lot of ongoing effort and headaches.

This …

AI’s Looming Disruption of the Information as a Service Industry – and How to Fight Back
AI’s Looming Disruption of the Information as a Service Industry – and How to Fight Back
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