We now have an online app that uses an artificial intelligence algorithm to examine your photos and render judgement. Former Google engineer Vishnu Mohandas and friends harnessed this app to Google’s computer vision API to render a detailed description of what AI sees and can figure out about your lifestyle from the details most people just gloss over. It’s called TheySeeYourPhotos.
Our friend at Geeks Are Sexy uploaded the photo above, and the machine, against all odds, determined that he is a geek. I’m sure you are shocked. You can read the complete breakdown of the photo here. I tried it myself and found that the app does not work with images that have an .HEIC suffix, but it works with .jpg, .png, and probably other formats. Depending on the photo, it might return surprisingly accurate and creepy details about you. Mind you, I don’t know if the images you upload to this app are stored and …