Data-Driven Marketing

Building Your First AI-Driven Campaign [Video]

Building Your First AI-Driven Campaign

In this episode of the AI in Marketing: Unpacked ( podcast, it’s the fourth of a 4-part series designed to help you quickly get up to speed on key concepts and ideas as it relates to AI in marketing and your professional career.

The idea here was to provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to plan, execute, and measure an AI-driven marketing campaign. Including how to provide AI with necessary data, and even how to prompt it.

Key Points:

✨ Planning and defining objectives with AI considerations.

✨ Executing the campaign using AI tools for optimization and automation.

✨ Measuring success and iterating based on data-driven insights from AI.

Key Tools or Resources Mentioned:

✨ Campaign Planner (

✨ Magai (


Brought to you by The Social Media Hat ( – When One More Hat Is One Too Many.

Powered by Magai ( – why choose one AI tool when you can have them all?

Produced and Hosted by Mike Allton ( , Strategic Marketing Leader in AI and Data-Driven Solutions, international keynote speaker & author at The Social Media Hat. He has spent over a decade in digital marketing and brings an unparalleled level of experience and excitement to the fore, whether he’s delivering a presentation or leading a workshop. If you’re interested in helping marketers with AI in an upcoming episode, reach out to Mike.

Music by Tokay.

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