AI Behavioral Targeting

Can data embassies make cross-border AI safer? [Video]

Richard Drury/Getty Images

Organizations are facing challenges navigating legislation as they look across borders for their artificial intelligence (AI) deployments. So-called “data embassies” could be a solution. 

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According to a January 2024 report co-authored by Asian Business Law Institute (ABLI) and Singapore Academy of Law, data embassies can support an organization’s desire to “insulate” its data from being accessed by the authorities of the embassy’s host country. 

Citing its interactions with public and private organizations, ABLI noted that a recurring challenge involving the transfer of data across borders comes from the reluctance of customers to grant access to their data. 

Once data is transferred to the host country, where the data center is located, it falls under the possession of the recipient — which leaves the customer transferring that data with limited ability to act if public authorities of the host country’s jurisdiction want access to it. 

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