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Can you tell the difference between the REAL Coca-Cola Ad and the new AI version? [Video]

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Coca-Cola has remade its iconic Christmas advert, ‘Holidays Are Coming’, using artificial intelligence in what has proven to be a divisive move.

The soft drinks giants has released two versions of the advert that were made by three AI studios — Secret Level, Silverside AI and Wild Card — using a number of generative AI models.

Both feature convoys of red Coca-Cola trucks driving through wintry scenes and towns and images of a number of animals including squirrels, reindeer and polar bears.

Both clips also begin with the cap being removed from a Coca-Cola bottle and feature the ‘Holidays are Coming’ song, but only one shows computer-generated people smiling and celebrating with their Coke bottles.

Below you can see the original advert and the two AI-generated versions:

Speaking to Ad Week, Silverside AI co-founder and partner PJ Pereira said the company used Stable Diffusion, Pactto, DALL-E, ChatGPT, and its own tool Director Magic to create the 30-second advert.

Late in …

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