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CIOs top 2025 goal? Turning around ITs sagging reputation [Video]

Forget AI, IT leaders must shore up two key gaps in the year ahead: the C-suite’s perception of IT’s business value and end-users’ ability to derive value from the solutions IT delivers.

Credit: – Yuri A / Shutterstock

As executives shift their attention to 2025, global minds are open — ever so briefly — to focusing on actually understanding and acting on technology trends and opportunities.

Those of us who read tea leaves for a living lament the fact that IT trend analysis has, for the past three years, been hijacked by the term “ChatGPT.” 

Yes, every board member has played with generative AI. And yes, I recognize that AI is different because previous hot technologies such as client/server and cloud didn’t get a parking space in the boss’s brain box. 

But still, few will contest that just about everything associated with IT has become a discussion of generative AI. And despite Gartner forecasting that by …

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