Netflix and Sandbox VR have partnered to launch ‘Rebel Moon: The Descent,’ the 10th installment of Sandbox VR’s immersive virtual reality experiences. Developed in collaboration with renowned director Zack Snyder, this experience invites players to “step into the gripping Rebel Moon universe and join a resistance movement battling the military forces of the Motherworld.”
Designed for groups of 2-6 participants, Rebel Moon: The Descent utilizes state-of-the-art VR technology, including “haptic vests, motion sensors, and headsets, to provide an incredibly lifelike experience as players will navigate the diverse terrain of the planet Daggus, from the urban sprawl to subterranean mines, engaging in intense combat against enemy soldiers and spacecraft.”
This latest offering follows the success of ‘Squid Game Virtuals’ and represents the second collaboration between Netflix and Sandbox VR. Moreover, Rebel Moon: The Descent is now available at Sandbox VR locations around the world—extending its reach and making it widely acceptable …