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DefenseTalks 2025 [Video]


The global landscape is shifting and advanced technologies are reshaping the modern battlefield. To maintain its edge, the U.S. military must harness the power of data, AI and other innovative technologies to drive faster, smarter, and more decisive action and deter threats from advanced strategic competitors like China and Russia. With seismic geopolitical shifts at play, the Department of Defense is going all-in on concepts like zero trust to defend against emerging cyber threats; JADC2 to transform its ability to connect, sense, share information and take action; and Replicator to rapidly respond to China’s ongoing military buildup in the Indo-Pacific by fielding thousands of “attritable autonomous” systems by 2025. DefenseTalks 2025 is the nation’s premier gathering of the top uniformed and civilian leaders from the military and C-level leaders from the gov tech community. Join these top decision-makers on DATE as they discuss emerging technologies and their potential to revolutionize …

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