AI Marketing

Elon Musk, Demis Hassabis Collaborate to Build an AI Game [Video]

Google DeepMind recently introduced Genie 2, a large-scale foundation world model capable of generating a wide variety of playable 3D environments. Genie 2 facilitates the development of embodied AI agents by transforming a single image into interactive virtual worlds that can be explored by humans or AI using standard keyboard and mouse controls.

“Genie 2 could enable future agents to be trained and evaluated in a limitless curriculum of novel worlds. This research also paves the way for new, creative workflows for prototyping interactive experiences,” Google Deepmind said in its blog post.

Introducing Genie 2: our AI model that can create an endless variety of playable 3D worlds – all from a single image. 🖼️

These types of large-scale foundation world models could enable future agents to be trained and evaluated in an endless number of virtual environments. →…

— Google DeepMind (@GoogleDeepMind) December 4, 2024

“The world model is taking shape,” said Google DeepMind …

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