Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy S25 series, set to launch on January 22, 2025, might come with free access to Google’s Gemini Advanced AI service, according to an APK teardown of the Google app version 15.52.37 beta. The code hints at varying trial durations depending on the model:
Galaxy S25: Three monthsGalaxy S25 Plus: Six monthsGalaxy S25 Ultra: One year
Based from the code strings below suggest that Google might offer various tiers of their Gemini Advance subscription.
<string name="assistant_zero_state_google_one_samsung_eft_upsell_body_nine_months">Your device gives you access to a {nine}-month subscription to Gemini Advanced, with access to our most capable AI models, at no cost</string> <string name="assistant_zero_state_google_one_samsung_eft_upsell_body_one_year">Your device gives you access to a {one} year subscription to Gemini Advanced, with access to our most capable AI models, at no cost</string> <string name="assistant_zero_state_google_one_samsung_eft_upsell_body_six_months">Your device gives you access to a {six}-month subscription to Gemini Advanced, with access to our most capable AI models, at no cost</string> <string name="assistant_zero_state_google_one_samsung_eft_upsell_body_three_months">Your device gives ...