A new type of chip has managed a calculation in minutes which would take the world’s best conventional supercomputer 10 septillion years to complete.
For context, that is ‘vastly’ longer than the universe has existed, so if you went with the old one, you’d be waiting a very, very long time to get an answer.
Google unveiled Willow this week, saying its performance was ‘mind-boggling’ and ‘lends credence to the notion that quantum computation occurs in many parallel universes, in line with the idea that we live in a multiverse’.
The company has been researching quantum computing, and says it has made a breakthrough with the superconducting computer chip that could be the ‘next step in our path to building largescale quantum computers’.
The mind-bending technology could lead to huge developments in scientific discovery and solve ‘unsolvable’ problems, with governments already investing, but also poses risks such as the ability to crack encrypted systems with …