AI Behavioral Targeting

Google’s carbon emissions are higher than ever due to energy demands of AI, tech giant admits [Video]

, updated

Google is pumping out more greenhouse gas than ever before – with its CO2 emissions surging by 48 per cent in the past five years.

This is despite the tech giant’s intention to producer net-zero emissions by 2030.

Google’s latest environmental report shows that its greenhouse gas emissions were 13 per cent higher in 2023 than 2022 – producing the equivalent of 14.3 million tonnes of CO2.

That is a similar amount of CO2 as would be generated in a year by around 29 gas-fired power stations.

The main reason was increased energy use from data centre consumption and its supply chain, the report said, as well as artificial intelligence (AI). 

Google’s latest environmental report shows that its greenhouse gas emissions were 13 per cent higher in 2023 than 2022 – producing the equivalent of 14.3 million tonnes of CO2

AI – which uses a lot of …

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