Interactive and Immersive Marketing

Handshake and Fist Bump [Video]

Handshake and Fist Bump

Participants will learn about and practice one of the oldest forms of introduction and social interaction, the classic handshake, through this interactive simulation in addition, participants can experience the fist bump, a modern, informal option.
Participants can leave the controllers behind and focus on the seven steps for a perfect handshake or the more informal fist-bump using hand-tracking as the primary navigation method.
A special focus is placed on diversity, inclusivity, and ability, including the option of sitting or standing for participants. For participants to make appropriate introductions in their daily lives, the background primer explains the “why and how” of this timeless cultural tradition. In the simulation, participants receive feedback, visual guides, and audible cues, and can repeat the process as many times as they like.
As part of the simulation, small gamification elements are employed to inspire and engage participants, as well as learning objectives based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy, including remembering, understanding, and applying,
Participant Primer Info and Activity
Background Information
Outline of key steps and how-to
Participant Simulations

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