Data-Driven Marketing

Hospitality Data Magic: Turning Guests into Regulars [Video]

Hospitality Data Magic: Turning Guests into Regulars

In today’s episode, Jason dives deep into the crucial concept of database reactivation. If you’re using platforms like Resy, OpenTable, 7 Rooms, or even Square, you’re sitting on a goldmine of guest data that often goes underutilized.

Jason will guide you through a powerful yet straightforward strategy to not only reactivate these dormant contacts but also ensure you’re sending targeted, permission-based emails that convert.

From cleaning your email lists to crafting the right subject lines and messages, you’ll get a step-by-step workflow designed to maximize engagement and drive immediate revenue.

Whether you’re running a busy restaurant or a cozy bar, these data-driven techniques can revolutionize your guest experience and boost your bottom line. 

Unlocking the Power of Your Data: “If you are using Resi, if you’re using OpenTable, if you’re using, 7 rooms, talk, any any kind of database collection system, then you’re sitting on a gold mine of data.”

— Jason Littrell [00:00:07 → 00:00:17]

The Importance of Asking Permission Before Marketing: “So the the first step that you do is you ask permission. You say, hey. Listen. Like, we found you in our one of our databases, and we’d like to ask you for permission if you’d like to be in our loyalty program so you can get either free stuff or some loyalty perks or some VIP access to some events that we have coming up.”

— Jason Littrell [00:01:12 → 00:01:26]

**Leveraging Square for Marketing Leads**: “And also just a note that this works with Square as well. So if somebody pays for you with Square, and and they’ve previously opted into another Square vendor, then you are likely in into their database.”

— Jason Littrell [00:01:44 → 00:01:55]

Game Changer in Email Marketing: “We don’t blast them all at the same time because we wanna keep our data hygiene.”

— Jason Littrell [00:02:30 → 00:02:33]

**Engagement Strategy in Restaurant Marketing**: “We found you in our database, but we wanted to make double sure that we could send you emails with free stuff and secret events.”

— Jason Littrell [00:03:33 → 00:03:38]

Email Marketing Success: “90 99.20 0.22 percent delivered, 34 34 a half, 34 almost 35% opened. 10% clicked, which is which is outrageous.”

— Jason Littrell [00:04:35 → 00:04:45]

Email Marketing Best Practices: “If it hits 3%, then we stop the campaign, because that is a spam trigger right there.”

— Jason Littrell [00:05:01 → 00:05:05]

**Respecting Unsubscribes:** “We wanna make sure that we’re not spamming people that, that don’t want our stuff.”

— Jason Littrell [00:05:31 → 00:05:35]

“Boost Your Business”: “It’s so simple, so straightforward, that so many people screw it up, and this is a great way to to end up in your spam filter. It’s a great way to piss off people. But if you do it right, it’s it’s a great way to drive immediate revenue into your business immediately.”

— Jason Littrell [00:06:23 → 00:06:35]

**Viral Customer Retention Strategy**: “This by itself is, like, one of the most powerful strategies that you can use. And most people like, this is a reason by itself to pay $4, $5, $600, $700 a month for Resy depending on your volume, just for this data.”

— Jason Littrell [00:07:05 → 00:07:14]

Hospitality strategy, database reactivation, guest engagement, Resi, OpenTable, 7 rooms, marketing strategy, email marketing, loyalty program, email engagement, customer data, data hygiene, spam filters, trigger links, email workflows, lead generation, hospitality industry, restaurant marketing, guest experiences, data-driven strategies, email validation, response rates, email click-through rates, CRM systems, customer segmentation, email bounce rate, hospitality podcast, AI in hospitality, automation, behavioral economics, repeat business.

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