New technology firebrand Jordan Rudess has never been one to shy away from the latest trend, applying his name and face to myriad new products over the years, while ‘always in reception’ for anyone requiring a cutting-edge comment.
Needless to say the hotbed topic of AI and its place in music is the latest contentious pie in which he has a finger and – unsurprisingly – he’s prepared to buck a trend and forge his own path one more time. AI in music? Rudess is all for it.
Speaking with Metal.It in a new video Rudess explains how he’s working with AI and why he feels that the entire field (and its potential) has been misunderstood thus far.
[Interviste] Jordan Rudess – YouTube
“I’ve had a residency at M.I.T in their media labs for the past year and in September I’m going to be doing a ‘work in progress’ performance,” he explained.