The animated children’s series follows a tiny adventurer who puts 1 John 4 into action.
Striking a fresh idea in children’s programming is as difficult as escaping a raging troll with only your wits, your kindness, and a sketchbook. Netflix’s Hilda manages to do both.
Created by British graphic novelist Luke Pearson, Hilda is a blue-haired girl with a penchant for adventure. Pearson took inspiration from Nordic folklore and created a cohesive and immersive experience for readers (and now viewers) of all ages. Netflix’s Hilda doesn’t stray far from its source material, but augments it with vibrant animation and a lo-fi electronic soundtrack.
As we watch Hilda’s adventures through the wilderness and into the heart of the local metropolis, Trolberg, we encounter characters and storylines proving that there is always more to things than meets the eye. Hilda’s ability to discern what’s under the surface becomes her greatest strength and the source of her courage in …