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Introduction to the Autoimmune Disease Machine Learning Challenge with Caroline and Orr [Video]

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Introduction to the Autoimmune Disease Machine Learning Challenge with Caroline and Orr

Introduction to the Autoimmune Disease Machine Learning Challenge with Caroline and Orr

Description: The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center and Klarman Cell Observatory at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard invite you to join this year’s three-part ML challenge to design algorithms that will enable a more accurate diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), affecting millions of people worldwide. The algorithms will offer a high-resolution view of IBD by integrating images of inflamed gut tissue with spatial transcriptomics data. Participants will identify genes that serve as markers for potential cancerous regions in the gut, facilitating the early detection and treatment of colorectal cancer. Gene panels developed by top performers will be tested in patient samples through lab experiments at the Broad Institute.

This introduction video provides you with a more in-depth overview, priming you for the lecture series. The lecture series that follows will give you the necessary biology background, along with technology and data details, to participate in the challenge.

The challenge will run from October 28, 2024 – January 31, 2025.

Register and learn more at broad.io/MLC-2024.
Copyright Broad Institute, 2024. All rights reserved.

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