Dec 16, 20093 mins
Data CenterIT LeadershipOpen Source
Credit: Shutterstock
The svccfg command on Solaris 10 systems allow you to modify the configuration of services. Using it, you can specify how particular services are run in much the same manner you would have made changes in the inetd.conf file on older versions of Solaris.
To add logging to your ftp service, for example, you would add the -l option (logs each FTP session to syslogd) or the -L option (logs all commands sent to in.ftpd to syslogd).
To start svccfg to make a change to the settings for ftp, type the command shown below.
# svccfg -s ftp editprop
You will then find yourself in vi and starting at a screenful of settings that begin with lines like those you see below.
select svc:/network/ftp # Property group "general" # delprop general # addpg general framework # setprop general/entity_stability = astring: (Unstable) # ...