Data-Driven Marketing

Marketing Insights for AEC Leaders: Trends, Challenges, and New Strategies for Growth [Video]

Marketing Insights for AEC Leaders: Trends, Challenges, and New Strategies for Growth

PSMJ Resources + OpenAsset

Join Dave Burstein, Director & Sr. Consultant at PSMJ Resources, and Jason Janicki, CEO of OpenAsset, for an enlightening webinar designed for leaders in the AEC industry. They’ll explore the lasting impacts of shifting your marketing approach to match current economic challenges and opportunities.

Dave and Jason will present recent market research, revealing critical insights into market trends and marketing challenges. They will analyze these trends, highlight key obstacles, and provide actionable recommendations for refining your marketing strategy.

Key topics include:
-Current market trends: Understand how recent economic developments, including the permanent effects of COVID-19, have reshaped your industry. What does this mean for your business now?
-Today’s top marketing challenges: Identify key marketing challenges and learn strategies to overcome them
-Long-term industry outlook: Examine the long-term prospects for the industry, focusing on both public and private sector markets
-Leveraging data for success: Discover how to use data effectively to thrive in today’s competitive environment and prepare for future growth

Don’t miss this opportunity to understand the evolving AEC industry and learn how to use data-driven strategies to navigate current and future challenges.

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