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MEF Webinar – US Telecom Policy 2025: A Look Ahead – Blog [Video]

The US Telecom industry is entering a period of significant transition and uncertainty, driven by political shifts, evolving regulations, and impactful legal decisions. Stakeholders must prioritize adaptability and proactivity to navigate the changing landscape successfully. In this MEF webinar legal and industry experts: Glenn Richards of Dickinson Wright, Stephan Corin, Attorney at Lerman Senter PLLC, and Kevin Rupy, Attorney at Wiley discuss the key topics and potential development in the US telecom policy for the year.

Robust compliance programs, vigilant monitoring of legal developments, and strategic advocacy will be crucial for success in this evolving environment briefing document reviews key themes and insights .

Key Themes:

  • FCC Leadership Transition:With Republicans controlling the White House, Senate, and House, a new era at the FCC is anticipated. Brendan Carr, nominated as the new Chair, is expected to prioritize national security, spectrum allocation, infrastructure development, and robust enforcement. Changes in the appointments of other commissioners might slow …
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