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Nuclear Energy Is A Distraction From Climate Action – India Seminar Series [Video]

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Under the auspices of the India Smart Grid Forum, the think tank founded as an umbrella organization over India’s 28 state utilities to provide thought leadership, share leading practices, and bring international insights to India, I’m delivering bi-weekly webinars framed by the Short List of Climate Actions That Will Work. With the glories of online recordings and AI transcription tools, it’s relatively easy to share both the transcript, and also the slides that I used, so I’m making a habit of it.

Most recently, I delivered a talk and held a Q&A session covering the challenges facing nuclear generation in modern times and why it’s mostly a distraction in terms of climate action, not a climate solution. For those who prefer talk-talk to read-read, here’s the recorded video of the presentation and discussion.

Thank you to ISGF for giving me the privilege …

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