Personalization Strategies using AI

Quick ROI vs. innovation: CIOs face competing AI goals [Video]

Some organizations are beginning to see returns on early AI investments, while others play the long game. Experts say the best route takes aim at both.

Credit: Gorgev / Shutterstock

The CIO strategy for AI today is a tale of competing agendas: quick-win productivity enhancements on the one hand, and game-changing long-term innovations on the other.

According to a recent survey from IBM, many IT leaders appear to be favoring one approach at the risk of missing out on the other. And while organizations have begun to see ROI on AI implementations, those focused on innovation don’t expect to see positive financial results from AI projects anytime soon, IBM found.

Nearly half of the more than 2,400 IT decision-makers surveyed say their AI projects have achieved positive ROI, according to the survey results. However, three-quarters of those who haven’t yet found a positive ROI don’t expect it to happen within the next year.

The survey shows a significant split in approaches to …

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