In the (relatively) short time since diginomica published my Reaching the B2B Informed Buyer d·book, much has changed. But has reaching the enterprise buyer changed? AI evangelists would say yes – but I’m not so sure.
Over the holidays, I took the challenge: could I record a better version of my d·book than a machine voice could? I didn’t think a machine could capture my salty asides and buzzword satire. So I recorded an audiobook version, which is now out as a podcast series on B2B buyers.
One advantage of my self-recorded ordeal adventure release? Re-evaluate the book’s premise, and add audio updates. Surprisingly, I didn’t feel the need to add much on AI, despite my obsessive enterprise AI research. But one thing needed a big change: the relevance-versus-entertainment debate.
Blame Brent Leary and Paul Greenberg, of CRM Playaz and the Playaz Production Network. When Leary and Greenberg joined my enterprise media blowout showin November, things came to a head …