Interactive and Immersive Marketing

Sky Tower lights up for PlayStation M+AD! [Video]

AUCKLAND, Yesterday: PlayStation NZ elevated brand engagement to new heights with their Sky Striker activation at Auckland’s Sky Tower on 21st November.

The event drew over 400 attendees, showcasing PlayStation’s leadership in entertainment innovation by transforming the Sky Tower into a playable experience for one night only.

Inspired by classic fairground strength tests, participants triggered interactive laser and lighting displays on the Sky Tower, blending cutting-edge technology with PlayStation’s passion for unforgettable experiences.

Krister Robinson, Head of Marketing for PlayStation NZ, said: “We’re thrilled with the response to Sky Striker. We knew this would be big but it’s gone beyond our expectations.

“As a team we wanted to take play to another level and to show how fun life can be when you take play seriously.”

Lets Play Live’s team executed the technical display. Founder Duane Mutu remarked: “Our brief was to take play to new heights and to say that …

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