AI Behavioral Targeting

Speaking About the AI Solutions to Global Poverty [Video]

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Good Global Summit occurred on June 7, 2017. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and XPRIZE hosted the event. Utilizing the Summit’s neutral platform, professionals of all sorts came together to discuss AI solutions. Twenty United Nations Agencies who believe that AI may be essential to ending global poverty backed the summit.

Currently, there are three main AI solutions to global poverty, although there is immense potential for more. These solutions include utilizing AI to point out nations in need, improve agriculture and increase access to education.

A recent development in AI solutions uses satellite images to find areas that require aid. The current methods for discerning this information include household surveys and census data. Although this has been effective in some developing nations, the process is slow and difficult to manage.

Thus, researchers at Stanford University are developing and improving upon “machine-learning” AI that utilizes an algorithm to identify poverty. The algorithm can predict poverty rates with 81 percent to …

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