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The censor cannot hold: the pressure of controlling China’s internet [Video]

Zeng Jiajun was for a while part of China’s sprawling internet censorship machine, despite an early experience evading the Great Firewall and learning about the bloody crackdown at Tiananmen Square in 1989.Photo: JOSH EDELSON / AFPSource: AFP

As a teenager in rural China, Zeng Jiajun used his internet know-how to watch a banned documentary on the bloody military crackdown in Tiananmen Square.

A decade later, he was part of the sprawling censorship machine that suffocates China’s cyberspace, tasked with stopping the spread of anything the Communist Party does not want its people to know about.

“At first when I worked on this I didn’t think much bigger because a job is a job,” he said.

“But deep inside I knew it was not aligned with my ethical standards. And once you work in this field for too long… the conflicts become stronger and stronger.”

Now living in the heart …

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