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These bills would regulate high-risk artificial intelligence use in Virginia [Video]

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Emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence, have generated public safety and privacy concerns that Virginia lawmakers could address within the coming weeks.

Del. Michelle Maldonado, D-Manassas, and state Sen. Lashrecse Aird, D-Petersburg, are sponsoring legislation — backed by the state’s Joint Commission on Technology and Science — to regulate the high-risk artificial intelligence systems that are becoming more commonly used in critical infrastructure and industries, including health care, law enforcement, education and employment.

“All types of entities are using artificial intelligence,” said Aird, adding that the proposed legislation aims to “prevent harm from being done to individuals in the most significant of situations.”

Artificial intelligence has been used to improve security, enhance health care, improve communications and connect people. After a rare neurological disorder affected her ability to speak, former state senator and U.S. Rep. Jennifer Wexton used an AI model of her voice to talk to her colleagues. It was …

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