Video Analysis for Marketing Insights

This is Your Time for Sykes | Case Study [Video]

Our latest commercial for Sykes asks their audience to slow down and make every second count

The brief

Sykes Holiday Cottages were looking to re-invigorate their above the line activity with a brand new TV ad campaign for 2020. The brief was to create an overarching creative, with the potential to seamlessly flow through the brands marketing, from ATL to social and DM.

UK holidays offer a hugely diverse range of landscapes, moods and experiences. Through our previous work with Sykes we honed in on this theme and developed a creative concept that distilled the feeling of a perfect UK holiday experience.

Our concept

Our research showed that the precious value of time would chime for Sykes’ target audience. They lead hectic lives, and when they have valuable time off, they cannot afford to waste it. Our final concept revolves around the core proposition of …

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