Last year, Xreal launched its Beam Pro Android device that pairs with Xreal’s XR glasses to serve as a standalone media hub and spatial video creation device. Viture upgraded its Android companion, the Neckband, with the Neckband Pro, which also serves as a content hub for its XR glasses. Both Xreal and Viture incorporate a spatial UI with Nebula OS and SpaceWalker, respectively, to provide a modern visual environment.
Also: CES 2025: The most advanced smart glasses we tried on – and loved
Viture’s updated Pro Neckband improves upon the original Neckband in nearly every way, with more CPU and GPU power, increased RAM, double the battery life, decreased weight, and improvements in heat and noise management. I’ve been using the Pro Neckband with the Viture Pro XR glasses for more than a week, and I look forward to my upcoming flights with the Pro Neckband.
A dedicated Android device
The Viture Pro Neckband is a dedicated Android device and …